I've conquered the hall cupboard (floor-to-ceiling) and the laundry room in recent days. Sooner or later, I have to face my bedroom closet. Heaven help me. However, every cupboard and closet I've tackled has ended up with at least 2 completely empty shelves in the end, so that's a very encouraging payoff.
Also, I found some ideas here today that I'm tempted to try:
Idea #1: Chore Jar
I was already planning to make a "Job Jar" of pesky extra chores (like wiping down cupboard doors or de-webbing the front entryway), but both of my big kids have approved the idea of putting the daily chores in a jar to be randomly drawn, too. I'll let you know how that works out.
Idea #2: Toe-hold Shoe Rack.
I'm not sure I have a good place to put this, but I like it!
Idea #3: Stop with the 35 cups a day already. (You think I'm kidding? I've counted before!)
This idea is from my fantastic friend, Mrs. P (incidentally, she also got it from familyfun.com). Each kid has their own color cup, plate, and bowl, and they're in charge of keeping them washed. When mealtime rolls around, they can't eat until they have clean dishes to eat off of. We've been working on implementing this for several months now. It has required a LARGE amount of vigilance on my part, but it does work. Ikea was kind enough to provide enough colors for my 4 kids plus 2 guests.